1. Introduction Importance of dog food cannot be neglected while talking about their health issues. Dogs are family and their bad health affects everyone around the home. No one wants to see them or bear to watch them suffer from bad health. So, if your dog is going...
Dog Shedding
Dog Shedding is a normal process for dogs. It is a natural process through which the dead or damaged hair of dogs shed seasonally or the whole year-round. It involves the protection mechanisms against cold and warmth in the respective season. However, the amount of...
Is Pumpkin Suitable For Your Dog?
Pumpkin is a super vegetable full of essential nutrients and with high fibre content. But here arises a question, Does pumpkin suit your dog or not? The answer is 'Yes but the amount should be kept in check. Here are some Health Benefits of Pumpkin for your dog. 1....
Freshwater Fish:17 Best Freshwater Fish For Aquarium
Over 2.5 million households in the U.S. prefer and keep freshwater fish as pets because there is a number of benefits of having freshwater fish such as reducing stress, lowering heart rate, blood pressure, etc. Here is a list of 17 best freshwater fish for your...
15 Toxic Foods For Cats
Like every living being, your cat also wants to eat everything but we know that it might be harmful to her health. Being a responsible owner, it is your duty to look after your cat and make sure that she does not any such thing that is injurious to her health. Here...
Cat Pregnancy: Things You Should Know If Your Cat Is Pregnant
Pregnancy is an important and crucial time period for not only humans but also for animals such as cats. Unlike humans, the cat has a short gestation period of about 2 months and a few days more that contains several short phases. The process of this cat pregnancy is...