10 Amazing Educational Toys for Kids

educational toys

No one can deny the importance of a child’s learning through educational toys. In the age of advancement, its significance and modernity are increasing day by day. A child can learn better when he experiences through all his senses. And nothing can do this job better than educational toys. What are Educational Toys? Educational toys …

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Exclusive Homeschooling: it’s Pros and Cons in 21st century


Homeschooling is a way of teaching for students at home, which is popular among people who don’t trust institutions or blame religious decrement in these institutional advancements. In the wake of the pandemic, we observed that the world is now leading in a different direction at a whole new pace. Covid-19 issue and limited appearance …

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Emerging Educational Trends and its Drawbacks in 2021

The artificial intelligence

The importance of evolving educational trends is undeniable. As we know, education has always existed as the most fundamental element of any society. A person’s growth level depicts the degree of civilization of the nation. That is why it is constantly advancing. Though, in the wake of the current pandemic situation, we came across multiple …

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Think Critically: 10 Useful Ways to Help Your Kids

Think critically - Help your kid to think critical

How to help your kids to Think Critically In this age of technological advancement, the alarming thing is not that your kid is lacking in knowing something, rather it is the accession of information that is daunting for most parents. This century’s biggest challenge is this overdosing of information on a daily basis and to …

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